Terremotos in Santiago de Chile!

Jon Blomquist Santiago

Terremoto! Terremoto! Everywhere, a terremoto! If you speak Spanish, you will know that this means ‘earthquake’. However, in the country of Chile, this also means something a little bit different. Around every corner restaurant, college street pub, or the awesome “Pio Nono” neighborhood, you will see this drink in the hands of those (many) daring enough to take on the challenge of enjoying just one glass. This amazing concoction of pineapple ice cream and a sweet fermented wine, called Pipeño, will literally leave you shaking at the knees and legs if you have too many. I admit, a couple of these made my trip to Santiago de Chile a little bit more enjoyable. However, it was not completely necessary, as this city is bustling and impressive in its own right.
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Wandering Around Valparaiso, Chile

Valparaiso, Chile

After having the privilege of spending a weekend wandering around Valparaiso, Chile, I am saddened to read of the unfortunate event that occurred within the past month. As one of my favorite stops on a six month journey through South America, I’m finding it difficult to see that several neighborhoods in this colorful port town have been reduced to burning rubble from a fire that spread over 3 days. From April 12th – April 15th, over 2,500 homes were burned to the ground, dispersing over 11,000 people and leaving them homeless. The wooded hills surrounding the area will be forever changed, with the fires affecting a large number of the poorest communities, which had homes largely built from wooden huts.
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